Tuesday, November 6, 2012


This is Cameron's first Presidential Election to vote in and he was really excited about it.  We always get our ballots by absentee ballot because of the number of propositions that are always attached to the elections.  It's simply easier to sit in the comfort of our home with resource material for understanding these sometimes complicated propositions and determining exactly what the implications will be for the State and us in order to try and vote in a more informed manner.

Then we'll take and drop off our completed ballots at the polling place near our home.

Obviously not our polling place, but a fun shot of Cam 

Cameron was first eligible to vote last November for local and State issues, but this time on a national level has him feeling quite grown up.  After completing his ballot he used his IPad to take a picture of his ballot tab and posted to Facebook. He and Kevin will drop the ballots off this morning.

Can remember when Amber first voted, these are some of those "rights of passage" we train our kids up for.  We used this as a civics lesson for Hannah who has more understanding, while Lauren is still a bit in the dark at this stage.  Her time of will come, for now we concentrate with both girls on the beginnings of the countries history as we spend time learning of the Pilgrims in preparation for Thanksgiving so they can know what it's for and why we celebrate. 

Have a great day - get out and celebrate your freedom to vote!   Be blessed - Lynda

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